
"Mind reading" through the keyboard?

18 August 2020

Are there hidden patterns in the way we type?
Can these patterns identify what kind of task we are carrying out?
Whether the work engages our memory and creativity, or whether is too simplistic and unengaging?

This 25 min study asks you to perform two short typing tasks.
In one you will reflect on a happy memory and write an account of it.
In the other you will copy out somebody else's account.

Full details at the link!


Ethical approval

This research has been reviewed by Dr Oussama Metatla and by the University of Bristol Faculty Research Ethics Committee.
If you have any further questions concerning the study, please feel free to contact the researchers (Daniel Bennett), or contact the Faculty of Engineering Research Ethics Committee, via the Research Governance Team at the addresses provide

About the researcher

Daniel Bennett is a PhD student in Human Computer Interaction, at the University of Bristol. He's interested in ways of measuring how the body is involved in thought, and in interaction behaviour, and what this can reveal about the way we engage in tasks. His work builds on recent work in cognitive science, attempting to identify modes of tool use, based on signatures in user movement.

Contact researcher


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